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Mouse Imaging Workshop

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Kurt Anderson-3 Kurt Anderson-3
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Mouse Imaging Workshop

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registration is now open for the 2013 Beatson Workshop on Mouse Cancer Imaging.
themes for this workshop are optical and nuclear imaging, pancreatic cancer, invasion, and technology development.

more details below, and complete information available at:




Beatson Workshop on
Mouse Cancer Imaging
1st - 3rd September
2013 Glasgow

Optical and Nuclear Imaging
Pancreatic Cancer
Technology Development

Kurt I. Anderson
Rickmer Braeren
Peter Friedl
Sunil Hingorani
Andreas Jacobs
Patricia Keely
David Lewis
Mark Lythgoe
John Marshall
Antonia Patsialou
Jacco van Rheenen
Antonello Spinelli
Danielle Vugts

Abstract Submission Deadline is July 19th
Registration Deadline is August 2nd
For registration and/or information contact:
Sarah Price, Conference Administrator
Beatson Institute for Cancer Research
Garscube Estate, Switchback Rd.
G61 1BD Glasgow
[hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
t: 0141 330 2869

Prof. Kurt I. Anderson
Tumor Cell Migration Lab and
Beatson Advanced Imaging Resource (BAIR)
The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research
Garscube Estate, Switchback Road, Glasgow  G61 1BD

* Direct Line +44 (0) 141 330 2864
* Fax                +44 (0) 141 942 6521
* E-mail          [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>

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