NESM's New Website and Open Fall Meeting Registration

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New England Society for Microscopy New England Society for Microscopy
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NESM's New Website and Open Fall Meeting Registration

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Dear fellow microscopists,

The New England Society for Microscopy is extremely excited to make two BIG
announcements: the launch of our complete redesigned website and
membership database and the opening of our Fall Meeting registration!

This year, the NESM Fall Meeting will be hosted by the University of
Massachusetts Lowell on Thursday, October 17th. The meeting begins at
5:30PM and will consist of a facility tour, a buffet dinner, and two technical
talks.  You can find more information about the meeting, including how to
register, on our recently revamped website (

Along with a new look, our website comes with many new and improved
functions.  Most importantly, we have linked our membership database to our
website.  Members can now login to their personal profiles, update their user
information, and register for meetings.  If you are interested in reading about
past meetings, head over to our Meeting Reviews page.  Are you organizing an
event?  NESM would be happy to post your advertisements on our Affiliate
Events page.  Have you been anxious to try the latest imaging technique?  You
can request a workshop on that technique via our Contact page.  All of these
features and many more have been developed for the sole purpose of better
serving the society.  The NESM Board is pleased to introduce these new
features and hope you take the opportunity to check them out.

NESM Board