[NEUBIAS Academy @Home] new webinars on image analysis

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Rocco D'Antuono Rocco D'Antuono
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[NEUBIAS Academy @Home] new webinars on image analysis

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Dear colleagues,
please find below some updates on the next events of the NEUBIAS Academy @Home
Newly confirmed webinars events:

- 14 May: A survey of contemporary computer vision tasks and advanced Python programming for image processing, by Allen Goodman

- 19 May: Tracking Cells and organelles with TrackMate, by Jean-Yves Tinevez

- 20 May: Writing or modifying your own CellProfiler modules, by Beth Cimini

- 26 May: Introduction to 3D Image Analysis with ImageJ 3D suite, by Thomas Boudier

- 4 June: Multi-dimensional image visualization in Python using napari, by Nicholas Sofroniew

Upcoming event open to registration, FOLLOW UP SESSIONS, LAST SEATS:

- 12 May: ilastik beyond pixel classification - PART 2, by Anna Kreshuk and Dominik Kutra.

- 13 May: Interactive Bioimage Analysis with Python and Jupyter - PART 2, by Guillaume Witz.

The events are recorded and many are already available on our Youtube NEUBIAS Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-oy7UpEhRfHQ-5ePCviKFg).
Furthermore, a thread will be opened in the image.sc Forum (https://forum.image.sc) to report Q&As and to welcome further questions/comments for each event.

You’ll find more information on https://neubiasacademy.org

Please spread the word.

On behalf of the NEUBIAS Academy organization committee