NEUBIAS Image Analysis schools - DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JUNE 2nd!

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Gaby G Martins Gaby G Martins
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NEUBIAS Image Analysis schools - DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JUNE 2nd!

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Dear colleagues, the deadline for applications for the NEUBIAS “early career” and “staff” training schools has been extended to June 2nd!
Below follows the initial announcement

NEUBIAS, the Network of European BioImage Analysts (, is delighted to announce two new Training Schools on BioImage Analysis:
Early Career Investigators (life scientists)
Facility staff (imaging & analysis staff)

The focus of training will be on construction and automation of Image Analysis workflows, using as examples more than one toolbox and different exercises. The schools will be held in Gothenburg 11-14th of September 2017, hosted by the Centre for Cellular Imaging - Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
NEUBIAS schools are an excellent opportunity to learn from many experts in bioimage analysis (we are expecting ~40 specialists at the event) and “....a great mix of intensive learning and community networking” (former trainee testimonial!).
- applications for Gothenburg are open (each school has 25 available seats and 10-12 trainers).
- Within the COST framework, a few travel grants are offered to applicants who qualify.
- NEW Registration deadline: June 2nd, 2017 (must include “letter of motivation”).
- Selection notification: 2nd week of June 2017.

More information about schools (programme & trainers) and venue, travel & lodge available at our website: -> “Training Schools”
We kindly ask that you help us reach all potential interested applicants.

On behalf of all NEUBIAS members,
Julien Colombelli, Chair; Kota Miura, Vice-Chair
Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez, Local organizer
Carolina Wählby, Jan Eglinger, Joakim Lindblad & Nuno P Martins, TS4&5 programme organizers
Gaby G Martins & Fabrice Cordelières, WG2-Training leaders
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, WG4-Webtool leader
Sébastien Tosi, WG5-Benchmarking & Sample Datasets leader
NEUBIAS is an European network of currently ~180 members and 35 countries, which aims to promote the communication between Life Scientists, Instrumentalists, Developers and BioImage Analysts and to establish and promote the role of Bioimage Analysts in Life Science. Our mission includes:
- A training programme for 3 different target audiences:Early Career researcher, Facility Staff, Analyst (running until 2020 - expected 400 trainees and 15 training schools).
- Promote different yearly events (NEUNIAS2020 Conference, workshops [training schools], Taggathons)
- Online Resources: Repository of tools and workflows, Benchmarking and Sample datasets, Training material and Open Textbook.
- A Short Term Scientific Mission mobility programme for Scientists to visit Host Labs and get in depth insights into cutting edge Image Analysis technology.
- Outreach material.