NanoJ-SQUIRREL: quantitative mapping and minimisation of super-resolution optical imaging artefacts

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Ricardo Henriques-2 Ricardo Henriques-2
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NanoJ-SQUIRREL: quantitative mapping and minimisation of super-resolution optical imaging artefacts

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Hi everyone,

I wanted to make a small highlight on a recent pre-print from our lab. It's
a new ImageJ/Fiji easy-to-use open-source algorithm that quantitatively
addresses image artefacts in super-resolution microscopy and guides
researchers on how to minimise them.

It's out in bioRxiv:

It particularly raises the notion that in super-resolution microscopy,
image quality and resolution are two different things =). A point at times
confused by the community.

All the best,

Ricardo Henriques, PhD
Research Group Leader at UCL, London
Quantitative Imaging and Nanobiophysics group

MRC-Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom