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Dear Friends
Nature Webinar on FRET and FLIM.
Mark it in your calendar if you are interested in FRET, FLIM and
Participants are
Dr. Ammasi Periasamy, University of Virginia
Dr Margarida Barroso, Albany Medical College
Dr Klaus Hahn, University of North Carolina
Dr Klaus Suhling, King’s College London
Dr. Ammasi Periasamy
Center Director, W.M. Keck Center for Cellular Imaging
Professor of Biology and Biomedical Engg.
Univeristy of Virginia, Charlottesville
Phone: (434) 243-7602 or 982-4869
Fax: (434) 982-5210
[hidden email]
(P.O. Boxx 400328; for Campus only)
Office and Keck Center Location
(90 Geldard Dr., At the intersection of Geldard dr. and White Head Rd.),
Physical and Life Sciences Building (PLSB - basement)
Microscopy Fall Semester Course-
FRET/FLIM Workshop-March 6-10, 2017: