New England Cytometry Meeting; FINAL Announcement; VENDOR SUPPORT

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Konz, Richard Konz, Richard
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New England Cytometry Meeting; FINAL Announcement; VENDOR SUPPORT

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Greetings everyone:

New England Cytometry is pleased to announce the date for our annual Fall meeting.  It will be on November 1st, 2011 from 8:00 am to 5 pm at the beautiful Starr Center at the Schepens Eye Research Institute in Boston.

As always, we look forward to interact with the vendors who provide us the tools and supplies to make our Research and Diagnostic work a reality. As well, our meeting success depends on sponsorship from our vendors. As many of you know, our last few meetings have been very successful, with attendance from 125 - 185 people spanning the US and Canada. We are offering the opportunity to sponsor breakfast and breaks.  Please contact me directly if you are considering sponsoring one of the breaks or more than one table.  This year we are limiting the number of vendor tables to avoid overcrowding and not getting prime table locations for our vendors.  Please contact me or register on line as soon as you can.

As we are all facing difficult financial times and to allow more of our exhibitors to attend this conference we are DECREASING our vendor table rates from last year:

6 foot table [2 attendees admitted] $600.00

[2] 6 foot tables [4 attendees admitted] $1,100.00 [***Please contact me directly***].
Literature Only [no attendee, we will set up] $400.00 [***Please contact me directly***].
Additional Vendor attendees will incur a registration fee of $75.00. [***You can register them online].

Please let me know if you will require any electrical outlets for instrumentation or computer workstations. There is a nearby loading dock and street access for literature or instrumentation. If you will be shipping anything to the conference, please contact me as well.

I look forward to working with you to make our meeting a mutual success.

We have an excellent line up of speakers again this year:

Michael Brehm, Ph.D.
UMASS Medical School
[hidden email]
"Monitoring human immune system development and function in immunodeficient mice"

William Hyun, Ph.D.
[hidden email]
"Exploiting the Advantages of Spectral Flow Cytometry for Biomarker Discovery"

Eric Rosenberg, M.D.
[hidden email]
"Acute HIV infection:Translating Pathogenesis into Opportunity"

Susan Reynolds
BD Biosciences
[hidden email]
Ken Lavaik
"Isolation of Mouse Hematopoietic Stem Cell Side populations Using SPKLS and Post-Sort Confirmation Using Single Cell Gene Expression Analysis"

Mike Evans
Sexing Technologies
[hidden email]
"Sperm Sex Sorting, A Historical Perspective"

Alan Waggoner, Ph.D.
Carnegie Mellon University
[hidden email]
"Fluorescent biosensors and targeted physiological indicators for cell"

Vincent Shankey, Ph.D.
Beckman Coulter
[hidden email]
"Signaling Cytometry: Flow Cytometric Analysis of Multiple Signaling Pathways in Human Leukocytes"

Charles Goolsby, Ph.D.
Northwestern University
[hidden email]
"Normal bone marrow signal transduction profiles: a requisite for enhanced detection of signaling dysregulation in AML"

David Basiji, Ph.D.
Amnis Corporation
[hidden email]
"Applications of Imaging Flow Cytometry Using the Amnis FlowSight and ImageStream Platforms"

Howard Shapiro, M.D., PC.
Howard Shapiro, M.D., PC.
[hidden email]
"Meeting Summary"

We will look forward to see you on the 1st of November.

Please check our web site for meeting updates


We finally have online credit card registration.  Many thanks to Steve and Carol Benoit and Glenn Paradis for all their hard work to get secure online credit card registration up and running.

To register go to:

and register as a VENDOR.

Registration is due no later than  25 October, 2011.     If you cannot register with a credit card, please contact me directly.

This promises to be a great NECyto meeting with a terrific line up of speakers at an excellent venue.

Best regards and looking forward to see you on the 1st of November!


Richard F. Konz, Jr.
President, New England Cytometry

Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine
Director, Flow Cytometry Core Facility
UMass Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Room: S5-322
Worcester, MA 01655
Office:  508-856-1598
Lab:     508-856-3276
Email:  [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
Lab Web:
Faculty Web:

The sea, the great unifier, is man's only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: We are all in the same boat.
Jacques Yves Cousteau