New England Cytometry Meeting Registration Reminder

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Konz, Richard Konz, Richard
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New England Cytometry Meeting Registration Reminder

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Hello everyone:


A reminder to those of you who wish to attend the New England Cytometry Users Group annual meeting "Current Research in Flow and Image Cytometry" which will be held on October 18th, 2007 from 9 am - 5 pm at the Boston Marriot Cambridge Center.


Please remember that the registration deadline is 12 October, 2007.  Instructions are below.  We will not be accepting on-site registration.


I will look forward to seeing you on the 18th of October.  Please feel free to email me directly with any questions.


Best regards,



We have an excellent line up of speakers this year:

C. Bruce Bagwell, MD, Ph.D. - Verity Software House
“Probability State Models:  A new paradigm for cytometry analysis”

Anne E. Carpenter, Ph.D. - MIT Broad Institute
"Extracting information from biological images"

Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz, MD, Ph.D. - New York Medical College
"Cytometric assessment of DNA damage".

Charles [Chuck] Goolsby, Ph.D. - Northwestern University
"Monitoring Signal Transduction Pathways in Hematopoietic Malignancies"

JeanMarie Houghton, MD, Ph.D. - UMASS Medical School

Howard Shapiro, MD

Simon Watkins, Ph.D. - University of Pittsburg School of Medicine
“Imaging Immunology: Dendritic Cell Chitchat”


Please check our web site for meeting updates 

To register, send a check payable to THE NEW ENGLAND USERS GROUP FOR CYTOMETRY in the amount of $60.00 per attendee to my attention at the address below. 

Registration is due no later than 12 October, 2007.


Please provide the following information with your check [Please print this email and enclose it with your check.  Sorry, we are not able to accept credit cards].










This promises to be a great NECyto meeting with a terrific line up of speakers at a very nice venue.

Best regards and looking forward to see you in October!


Richard F. Konz, Jr.
President, New England Cytometry 

Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine
Graduate Faculty, Immunology and Virology Program
Director, Flow Cytometry Core Facility
UMass Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Room: S5-322
Worcester, MA 01655
Office:  508-856-1598
Lab:     508-856-3276
Fax:     508-856-2755
Email:  [hidden email]
Lab Web:
Faculty Web: