New England Society for Microscopy Meeting

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Chris Santeufemio Chris Santeufemio
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New England Society for Microscopy Meeting

We are pleased to announce that the New England Society of Microscopy Early Fall 2007 meeting will take place at Smith College, Northampton, MA on Thursday October 11th

Please join us for our Early Fall NESM Meeting.
Starting with registration in the early afternoon at 1PM, we will have 4 technical talks and dinner at Smith College’s faculty club, which will be at the end of the meeting.  There will also be a poster session and tours of some of the laboratories at Smith College.

Attached is a flyer that you can distribute within your institution/company.

For registration and directions, please go to the NESM website:, and click on “Future Meetings”.

Thank You

Christopher Santeufemio


New England Society for Microscopy


2007EarlyFallMeetingFlyer.pdf (234K) Download Attachment