New Live Cell confocal from Yokogawa

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Baggi Somasundaram Baggi Somasundaram
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New Live Cell confocal from Yokogawa

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Dear Live cell Confocalist

Yokogawa have done it again.

I had a preview of the latest offering from Yokogawa, the Cell Voyager (CV 1000) Bench Top Live Cell Confocal Imaging System. The CV 1000 encompasses all live cell imaging needs into a compact bench top spinning disk confocal system with high precision and ease of use.  It also now features two (25um and 50um) pin hole sizes giving high resolution confocality at both low and high magnification and is capable of high throughput observation of long and short term cellular processes in a fully automated fashion. We ran a  60x oil, 3 day experiment with two FL channels and BF at multiple points (7) and the results were pretty exceptional.  They all stayed in focus with no drift and no detrimental effect on the biology. The resolution  of the confocal images with the 25um pin hole is remarkable.  I understand that they have placed a few systems in Japan, and their first unit in the US is in Southern CA.

They also have a big brother the CV 6000 which promises to be the ultimate high content, high throughput imaging system.

Baggi Somasundaram

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