Next Generation Imaging workshop in Cambridge

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Kirti Prakash Kirti Prakash
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Next Generation Imaging workshop in Cambridge

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Dear all,
We are organising a 1-day Next Generation Imaging workshop in Cambridge (UK) on the 18th April 2019.
We have asked some of the experimental design leaders in the imaging field to visit for informal discussions/exchange of ideas.

Here is the registration link for the workshop:

The registration fee (£25 inc VAT) is highly subsidised and mostly to cover for lunch, coffee breaks and false bookings.
There are ~150 seats, so please register soon. Deadline for booking: 3rd April 2019.

You can find the workshop poster and schedule here

Abstracts have been posted at Twitter, and you can follow the discussion here:

Best wishes,

Kirti Prakash
Department of Paediatrics
Wellcome Trust-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute
Clifford Allbutt Building
Cambridge Biomedical Campus
Hills Road, CB2 0AH