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Nikon NIS-Elements and Vista

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Christian Müller-11 Christian Müller-11
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Nikon NIS-Elements and Vista

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Sorry if the question is not directly related to the confocal side of
our mic, but maybe a Nikon-user has experience with this:
I was asked to install Nikon 'NIS-Elements Advanced' for data-analysis
and driving a camera on a new computer, but the company states it will
only run under Windows XP, not Vista. I wonder if anyone has tried the
software using the 'compatibility'-feature of Vista?
Thanks for sharing your experience,

Dr. Christian M. Müller
Clinical Neuroanatomy
Goethe University Frankfurt
Watkins, Simon C Watkins, Simon C
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Re: Nikon NIS-Elements and Vista

Search the CONFOCAL archive at

elements works fine under both 32 and 64 bit vista in my hands

Simon C. Watkins Ph.D, FRC Path
Professor and Vice Chair Cell Biology and Physiology
Professor Immunology
Director Center for Biologic Imaging
BSTS 225
University of Pittsburgh
3500 Terrace St
Pittsburgh PA 15261

From: Confocal Microscopy List [[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Christian Müller [[hidden email]]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 2:51 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Nikon NIS-Elements and Vista

Search the CONFOCAL archive at

Sorry if the question is not directly related to the confocal side of
our mic, but maybe a Nikon-user has experience with this:
I was asked to install Nikon 'NIS-Elements Advanced' for data-analysis
and driving a camera on a new computer, but the company states it will
only run under Windows XP, not Vista. I wonder if anyone has tried the
software using the 'compatibility'-feature of Vista?
Thanks for sharing your experience,

Dr. Christian M. Müller
Clinical Neuroanatomy
Goethe University Frankfurt
David Barnes-2 David Barnes-2
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Re: Nikon NIS-Elements and Vista

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal
Bethesda, Maryland – June 30, 2008 - Media Cybernetics announces the release of AutoQuant X Version 2.1 image deconvolution and 3D visualization software.  AutoQuant X 2.1 now offers support for Windows® Vista Business and Ultimate operating systems in 32- and 64-bits, as well as other feature enhancements. 

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 7:59 AM, Watkins, Simon C <[hidden email]> wrote:
elements works fine under both 32 and 64 bit vista in my hands

Simon C. Watkins Ph.D, FRC Path
Professor and Vice Chair Cell Biology and Physiology
Professor Immunology
Director Center for Biologic Imaging
BSTS 225
University of Pittsburgh
3500 Terrace St
Pittsburgh PA 15261

From: Confocal Microscopy List [[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Christian Müller [[hidden email]]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 2:51 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Nikon NIS-Elements and Vista

Search the CONFOCAL archive at

Sorry if the question is not directly related to the confocal side of
our mic, but maybe a Nikon-user has experience with this:
I was asked to install Nikon 'NIS-Elements Advanced' for data-analysis
and driving a camera on a new computer, but the company states it will
only run under Windows XP, not Vista. I wonder if anyone has tried the
software using the 'compatibility'-feature of Vista?
Thanks for sharing your experience,

Dr. Christian M. Müller
Clinical Neuroanatomy
Goethe University Frankfurt