Nile Red and M. tuberculosis

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Shane van Breda Shane van Breda
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Nile Red and M. tuberculosis

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Dear Group,

I hope someone can help me with this problem.

I would like to stain M. tuberculosis cells with Nile Red to investigate lipid accumulation. This
is well published, although literature seems to lack important details.

My issue is that the cells are required to remain in BSL - 3 lab and our microscope is outside
the lab!

Could I perform the staining protocol, then fix my cells in 4 % formaldehyde (in PBS + 0.05
% tween 80 (breaks clumps)) for 2 hours (allows for sufficient death of cells, thus removal
from the lab) on poly - l - lysine slide. Then apply glycerol and coverslip.

My concerns about post fixation is that it will quench or remove the dye? Or should I first
fix, then apply Nile Red?