Noran Oz confocal system for sale

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Noran Oz confocal system for sale

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Hello all,

We have a used confocal sytem in good shape that we are not using and are considering selling.  Does anyone have suggestions on how (in addition to this list) I might communicate with folks who may be interested?

(Dwight Bergles' lab, Dept. of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins)

Here's what's available:
Noran Oz, purchased May 1996
$240K new, complete system

Oz scan box
2  Silicon Graphics workstations (Indy R5000SC workstation, O2 workstation RM5200)
Intervision software (2D & 3D analysis, deconvolution)
Control tower
Two SGI CRT color monitors (19” and 20”, one is new)

2 ea - Krypton-Argon 488/568
        One with new Melles Griot power supply (tube several years old)
        One needs tube replacement (no power supply)
2 ea – 632nm HeNe Laser
        One new laser installed Feb. ‘03
        One provided by Prairie (functional, but status unknown)
inc. all launches, couplers and fiber optic cables

Filter sets:
Cy5 (660lp)
FITC-long pass (500lp)
FITC-short pass (500-550)
Rhodamine-long pass (590lp)
Rhodamine-short pass (578-633)

Additional components:
Focus drive
Kr-Ar laser control
Air cooling for Kr-Ar laser
Transmitted light detector interface for Olympus IX-50
Coupling lenses for use with either an inverted Olympus IX-50 or an upright Zeiss Axioskop FS2.
Pulse modulator for greater image uniformity
Box platform for inverted microscope

Olympus IX50 inverted microscope; fluorescence, 20X, 60X, and 100X objectives