Registration is now open for the 5th Annual Northeast Regional Life Sciences Core Directors meeting to be held October 27-29th at the University of Massachusetts Medical
School in Worcester, Mass. Listed below is the link to the meeting website:
Utilize the “Registration” link on the left navigation pane to direct you to the correct forms. Please register early as space is limited.
We look forward to seeing you in Worcester!
Susanna Perkins
Susanna Perkins, NERLSCD 2010 Chair
For the NERLSCD 2010 Meeting Organizing Committee, including George Grills (Cornell University), Theodore Thannhauser (USDA-ARS), Timothy Hunter (University of Vermont), Pamela Scott Adams (Trudeau Institute), Stephen Bobin (Dartmouth Medical School),
Michelle Detwiler (Roswell Park Cancer Institute), Katia Sol-Church (Center for Pediatric Research, NCC-Delaware), Susanna Perkins (University of Massachusetts Medical School) and Phyllis Spatrick (University of Massachusetts Medical School).
NOTE: Please do not reply ‘all’ to this message as the distribution list is quite large