November Symposium of the Pacific Northwest Microscopy Society

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Doug Keene Doug Keene
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November Symposium of the Pacific Northwest Microscopy Society

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Greetings Fellow Microscopists,


The Pacific Northwest Microscopy Society will hold its 2016 Fall symposium on Thursday November 3rd, continuing Friday November 4th.  The program will showcase innovative area scientists pioneering the latest technologies in microscopy.   Both invited and contributed talks will be presented at the Portland Shriners Hospital for Children.  Workshops will be conducted at the nearby Center for Spatial Systems Biology at the new Oregon Health Sciences University waterfront campus.  Here is an opportunity to interact with those at the forefront of emerging technologies in a friendly atmosphere with many opportunities for conversation and collaboration.  We invite you to submit an abstract of your own work to be presented in the Friday afternoon session. 


The preliminary program and registration can be found on the Pacific Northwest Microscopy Society webpage at:


Please plan to attend this informative program and meet with your friends, colleagues and vendors!


Thank you,





Douglas R. Keene

President, PNMS

Micro-Imaging Center

Shriners Hospital for Children

3101 SW Sam Jackson Park Road

Portland, Oregon  97239

Office:  503-221-3434

Mobile:  503-819-3600