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Dear All-
OME will be displaying a poster at this year's ASCB Meeting-- Board B821,
on Monday. Colin Blackburn and Chris Allan will be manning the poster.
Come by, say hi, and hear the latest on our work.
With the new Strategic Award, we're busy hiring and defining our priorities
and work plans, so running a full ASCB booth was just a bit much. We'll be
back next year, and look forward to seeing you then.
Some other OME friends to look out for:
-- Journal of Cell Biology, Booth #459 (Bio-Formats and OMERO run the JCB
DataViewer <
http://jcb-dataviewer.rupress.org>); *giving away one iPad2
each day of the meeting!*
-- ASCB CELL Image Library, ASCB Booth (Bio-Formats and OMERO power
the CELL<
-- Micro-Manager <
http://valelab.ucsf.edu/%7EMM/MMwiki/>, Booth #649
(Bio-Formats supports their format)
Have a great meeting!
Wellcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation & Expression
College of Life Sciences
University of Dundee
Dow Street
Dundee DD1 5EH
United Kingdom
phone (01382) 385819
Intl phone: 44 1382 385819
FAX (01382) 388072
[hidden email]
Lab Page:
http://www.lifesci.dundee.ac.uk/gre/staff/jason-swedlowOpen Microscopy Environment: