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As you may know, the Open Microscopy Environment Consortium
( has been working on developing tools to
define open image data file formats that support complex image
acquisition metadata and also the multi-dimensional image files we all
now routinely record. OME has released a number of tools for these
formats, including Bio-Formats, our translation library for
proprietary files and OME-TIFF, our open, metadata-rich file format
that supports a range of image data types (see for more info).
To help check the integrity of OME files we have produced an online
OME-XML Validator. This understands the 2004 and 2007 schemas (see for more info) and can process
both OME-TIFF and OME-XML files.
The OME-XML Validator It is available at: is the initial release of the validator and performs a series of
basic checks on the file:
* Conforming to the XML Schema
* Checking internal references
- Listing missing internal references
- Listing external references
* Checking "tiff data" block usage
* Checking frame counts in tiff files
More checks will be added over time.
We hope you will find this useful in your work. Note that the OME-XML
Validator requires you to upload your file for checking. Don't
worry-- we remove the file after it's been validated.
If you want to know more about these the OME file formats, visit for your continued support.