ONI Nanoimager or Abbelight SAFe360 real life performance

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Rubin Rubin
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ONI Nanoimager or Abbelight SAFe360 real life performance

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We are thinking about getting an easy to use super-resolution system for
our facility.  I'm curious to hear if anyone has used ONI Nanoimager or
Abbelight SAFe360 with their own samples. They all seems very good from
their webpages. Any comment and feedback are welcome!

Thanks a lot in advance.

Guobin Sun, Ph.D.
Light Microscopy Specialist
Centre for High-Throughput Phenogenomics
Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia
2405 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC , Canada   V6T 1Z3
Phone: 604-822-2873  Fax:  604-822-3562