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thought I should share some good news for a change.
We recently
had a 63x oil objective with a large amount of oil inside. I had actually
posted some strange results we had when our fluorescence was in focus but not
the DIC. This oil meniscus actually created a new fluorescence image plan. We decided
to send the objective back to Zeiss in Germany for repair. The estimated cost
for the repair was about $6200. Unfortunately they have to quote the maximum possible
receive the objective back recently and I was amazed. It looks brand new! It
ended up only costing us $2200 and in my opinion this objective was in very bad
So if
you have some good lens that need to be repaired I would highly recommend you
send them in!
course it would be better if the oil never got inside of the lenses, but I was
very impressed by the job done by Zeiss.
commercial interest just a happy customer!
Claire M. Brown, PhD
Life Sciences Complex Imaging Facility Director
McGill University Department of Biochemistry