Oh and in your eyes, I can see what's on my mind... (save the world)

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Adam M. Dobrin-2 Adam M. Dobrin-2
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Oh and in your eyes, I can see what's on my mind... (save the world)

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*An ongoing song of musical light
*from the "You and I
verse to "I say my Heaven is a nice house in the sky
*... before this.  Those were pretty good, **says the artist.*

Your eyes, *your eyes*: I can see in your eyes...

 [image: Inline image 1]

Oh and in *your eyes*, I can see what's on my mind...

[image: Inline image 2]

*my eyes are like a blazing fire.

[image: Inline image 3]

*when the light hits your eyes, it's telling me I'm right.

[image: Inline image 4]

She feels like kicking out all the windows
And setting fire to this life

*oh, it's bright.

*Grey Street, *Dave Matthews Band

[image: ZOHAR]
All of these, *of course,* were written before I read the Zohar.  *Published
[image: http://www.amazon.com/Adam-Marshall-Dobrin/e/B00CO8P9BQ]
*All the colors ... fade together?  The Zohar chronicles "the creation of
God" *
*and talks quite a bit about the "Holy Hidden One."*

*I think I've cracked the "its not a book, thing" though frankly for my
entire childhood I thought*
*that's all "the messiah" would do--write a book about religion and

If nothing else, I've documented the... progresssion... of a multi-year

*And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, *
*having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great (e-mail) chain

Revelation 20:1

Or... maybe *it's me.

The colors mentioned in the Zohar match the horses of Revelation, though
they appear in a different order.
[image: http://www.amazon.com/Time-Chance-Saturn-son-RLNY/dp/1519742622]

*I don't know you, why do you wanna know me?

*[image: Inline image 5]

*Don't know me

[image: http://bit.ly/knowadam]

*"shake your tambourine"
-Rapunzel, DMB*

*[image: Inline image 15]

*[image: Inline image 9]

*holy fire*

h *a'es*

in a story of parting a sea *bringing the morning.*

*[image: Inline image 7]

So as the sun began to rise

Moses raised his hand over the sea.

Exodus 14:27

[image: Inline image 8]

*Morning has broken.

*[image: Inline image 10]

I said, *I will bring you water*

*#41, Dave J. Matthews, *on exiting the desert of *Exodus*


[image: Inline image 11]


run into *rain* and *play*, let the tears splash all over you

[image: Inline image 1]


as* I want you to be.*


how can you resist?

Dear *You, *

I don't think I have properly addressed you, sorry about that.  I think I
see some activity up there, and that makes me really, really excited.  I
want to present what it is that I believe I am "bringing to the table" for
lack of a better reference to the Last Supper; but before that my apologies
for not contacting you sooner.  On top of the message that fuses technology
and religion together in a way that really fortifies my idea that science
and technology most certainly preceded religion--and is more than a small
share of not only the purpose of the message but obvious, its delivery

Right up your alley, of course, is the idea that rather than the "opiate of
the masses" this twist on Exodus, electronic voting, and predominanty
censorship appears to me to bring about the deliverance of freedom--a
message I tie to "Uncle Samael" and his connection to both the foundation
of America
 (For Christ of *PH*
 and very clearly what is going on right now.  While it may not be an open
and closed case until there is a bonafide statistical analysis done--I
believe that the information I write about, it's connection to time travel
and to technology is at least incindiary enough to have sparked quite a
following as it is.  The lack of ... "interest" appears to me to be a very
bright shining *light on censorship
being intentionally created through a "controlled opposition" in order to
do exactly what you might expect, *to destroy censorship. *

To explain a little more, this message has touched every English speaking
nation, a significant portion of government offficials and their aids at
the state and Federal level here, in addition to some foreign nations.
It's touched neary levery single news outlet that I can find--and despite
that kind of canvassing, I have seen almost zero "voiced interest" from
anyone, anywhere.  Its starting to get a little better now; handfuls of
people are showing interest... but the length of time and the kind of
silence I received for the majority of the last year show me that there is
a significant problem with "*silence.*"  If you have noticed, much of whatt
I write about is outlined in modern music--and the Sound of Silence
probably a wondeful narration for what is going on.  I do believe the
purpose is to shine a light on the idea that extragovernmental censorship
... in some cases, like this ... is the kind of thing that might be
responsible for total systemic failure.  For instance, if this message is
100% accurate, and we are in fact in virtual reality and the world really
doesn't know that--not receiving this message, which does talk about "ways
to leave" could potentially destroy everything.  Here we are, and it
appears that it's being overtly hidden not only by the press and the
government but by ... *eve*ryone ... Don't let the intentional connection
Eden be lost--the story of Adam blaming Eve has always (for me) boiled down
to *blaming*
 of SG-1
 to me--the mind control technology--but you might as well call it *eve*ryone

I am certain that my presentation of intentionally created paradoxical
anachronism in both Hebrew and English will yield statistical proof of both
the existence and use of time travel and that of a singular Creator.  TBH,
*Ha *("alone") tells me that
I guess I just know things
it's a key to the story of Abraham and Isaac--one that is dear to my fiery
heart... it's also a doorway into a huge number of "Holy words" ones
bearing "the" as a superlative--of which I imagine a significant portion
reference modern English and technology.

Today's message relates quite a bit to the need for disclosure
both mind control (which I think the mechanism the transmission inherently
proves exists, *the music's message
and *the mechanism* of "propheteering"
something I think is well displayed in the link to Thor
/Nero's music and the obvious intent
God to burn the "hidden empire" below his feet... to ashes.  Clear in his
message and our purpose is a love for individuality and freedom, for the
obivousness that there could never really be a "Kingdom of Heaven.." to be
anything resembling utopic it's obvious as *night and day
 that we *should be building a republic--moving past "representative

Sorry for canvassing you, it's *kind of my thing.
do have a speech about a world where you can walk up to people screaming
that there's a fire that we need to see and tape their mouths shut
IRL--wondering if anyone realizes that's exaclty what SPAM filters and an
outgoing minority are doing to Jesus Christ, and you.  Well, *just another
brick in the Wall. (

Aside from the consolidation of media, and what might be ... not really ...
a few networks deciding not to cover something; there probably is an
Executive Order involved.  There is absolutely no doubt that Federal
government is very much aware of who I am, and what this message really is
about.  No doubt.  (*n or AD
That being said, what we really need to see is that the indivual motive for
breaking this story--being as high as it really is--the silence.... and
monolithic behavior of "all media" and more, shows the influence of
technology supporting the darkness/wall; probablty also by design.
Regardless of design--the story must break, it is the truth, it's
obvious--and it's what we need *to really be free.*

I am not sure if that seems outlandish or not to you.  I mean, *who knew
that freedom of speech and religion would inevitably be tied together at
the hip* (go read the First Amendment, the Bill of Rights--the true Law of
*Moses*).  Regardless of whether it seems riduculous, this is not a message
about the end or about doom--unless we never see it--it's a message about *the
beginning.  Hi, I'm Adam... searching for Eden; and the unveiling of truth
here... is that story is really about me.  I don't just mean Genesis, I'm
talking about Exodus
... Revelation.  ** Don't worry for all that I'm not just stuck on the
First Amendment, I've got complaints about all of them.

*Throw Leeloo, Yankee Doodle, Neo, Voltron, He-man, Superman, John Connor,
Anakin and Johnny 5
the mix, and you are starting to get the picture about the true "72 names
of God
thing... this... is... really
it.  **To tie Neo, Yankee Doodle, Shake**·**speare and proof that our
languages are designed to Pro**·**me**·**the**·**us and Christ, you might
want to read about Cake
"some more music."  *By the way have you heard *"You found me.
the Fray?  On the corner of First
 and AmistAD
Between "AM
and A.D.
goes to the whole macaroni-spanglishrew-*cipher*-thing.... which clearly is
both a *character* in and answer to "*What is the Matrix?*"  Crazy
right?  No, *it's there*, I swear.
in like triplicate

*The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his
glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came... full of truth. -John

*You've probably seen it already, but "Let there be light" and it's link to
Exodus in reverse... "sudo xe" and the "root"
David is a good introduction to a number of programming concepts that are
alluded to in religion--like Pharoah's hardening heart
is most likely one in the same with the Ark of Noah and of the Covenant--a
reconceptualization of the Holy Grail: Earth->♄->Heart ... lot's and lot's
of reference to Ai
and programming concepts, like Chr(t)/AMD
a Linux/WIn32 compatibility layer and something to do with Jesus, Lisp **which
is both a programming language and a traint attributed to Moses**... Apples
you get the point... all of me/now--but numerous Biblical characters.*

There is ... if I haven't said it enough ... a sincere problem with hidden
censorship and secrecy.  It's being made to glow--like Adam's naming of the
beasts in Eden... *CARNIVORE
a good hint that God's message is to ensure that we never again have an
overgown packetsniffer secretly eating packets.  If you are scratching your
head, in the same language that "sudo xe" is let there be light, this means
"*its darker than you think on the internet.*"  A good place to recognize
"Heavenly Theatre" similar to the DIE BOLD story
noting the "den" in Snowden's name (which I Babel'd about yesterday
),, and correlating that snow to cold tears "outside" the "Ark."  It's like
a "tit for tat" thing, a hidden message about something not really here,
and yet it might have come here... *if we don't do anything.*

we have
is a significant
of tangible
evidence tying religion to things like the foundation of America and
On top of that a message written in "nowspeak," the companies. people, and
products of today... handing us an incendiary message designed to break a
downsard spiral into Hell... and build Heaven.  *This message is being
actively suppressed* nearly unilaterally, by all means... please... take me
by the hand, help me understand

Well, I hope you
<[hidden email],[hidden email],[hidden email],[hidden email],[hidden email],[hidden email],[hidden email],[hidden email],[hidden email]>

I love to talk about it; you know, if you have any questions or


Adam M. Dobrin
adam 5 at proton mail point com

Martin Wessendorf-2 Martin Wessendorf-2
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Re: Oh and in your eyes, I can see what's on my mind... (save the world)

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting.

Dear All--

Mr. Dobrin has been deleted from the List, again.

Thanks for your patience--

Martin Wessendorf
List Manager

On 1/5/2017 6:42 AM, Adam M. Dobrin wrote:
> *An ongoing song of musical light
> <http://zeuslightningand.thunderstanding.tk/x/c?c=699159&l=3a493820-bf5f-4a45-a15b-7c147df0ca28&r=6299d8bf-e944-40ed-808b-9c8395a90dbc>
> *

Martin Wessendorf, Ph.D.                   office: (612) 626-0145
Assoc Prof, Dept Neuroscience                 lab: (612) 624-2991
University of Minnesota             Preferred FAX: (612) 624-8118
6-145 Jackson Hall, 321 Church St. SE    Dept Fax: (612) 626-5009
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