Olympus Cell^P, iTEM, Scandium on Windows 10

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Olympus Cell^P, iTEM, Scandium on Windows 10

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Hi all,

I appreciate that this isn't directly confocal related but I was wondering if any of you have managed to get Olympus Analysis 5 software (Cell^P, Scandium iTEM) running under windows 10 (ideally 64 bit).

I managed to get it running on win7 by trial and error but windows 10 has so far defeated me. I can get the installer to run and it reports successful installation but the software itself won't then run reporting failure to load SiSMain.dll. THats where my ability runs out.

I've updated the HASP dongle so the licence is seen by the installer, installed the correct C++ runtime library and manually installed intel IPP (all necessary to get it on win7).

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Dave Johnston,
Biomedical Imaging Unit,
University of Southampton.