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Dear Colleagues,
I am interested to have ASCII Data of transmission of dichroic mirrors and
emission filters of Olympus FV1200 LSM. Specially: DM405/473/559/635,
DM405/473, BS20/80; SDM473, SDM485, SDM510, SDM560, SDM640, SDM640R;
BA430-455, BA490-530, BA490-540, BA575-620, BA575-630, BA575-675,
BA655-755. More about our scope:
http://www.kennedy.ox.ac.uk/facilities/imaging/equipment/confocalAny advise or guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
Dr. Volodymyr Nechyporuk-Zloy (Imaging Facility Manager)
The Kennedy Institute of RheumatologyUniversity of Oxford, Roosevelt Drive,
Headington, Oxford, OX3 7FY, United Kingdom
Mobile: (+44) 7526275617Office: (+44) 1865612665E-mails:
[hidden email] [hidden email]: vzloy1work
Professional Web:
http://focus-on-single-molecule.infoDepartment Web: