Open Postdoctoral Position - In vivo imaging - Endocrinology

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Stephan Speier Stephan Speier
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Open Postdoctoral Position - In vivo imaging - Endocrinology

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A Postdoctoral Position is immediately available in the Group of Per-Olof Berggren at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden.


Our group is part of the Rolf Luft Center for Diabetes Research and focuses on signal transduction mechanisms in insulin secreting beta-cells and glucagon secreting alpha-cells in health and disease. Recently our laboratory developed a non-invasive imaging platform which enables longitudinal studies of cell biology in vivo (Nature Medicine, In Press).


The successful applicant will be part of our imaging group and study signal transduction processes and their modulation by hormonal, neuronal, paracrine, autocrine and pathological factors in vivo utilizing this new imaging platform.

We are seeking for a highly motivated and competent researcher. The required background must include extensive experience in confocal and/or 2-Photon laser scanning microscopy and preferably life cell or in vivo imaging. Experience in animal handling is required and knowledge of animal physiology desirable. The applicant should be fluent in English.


Applicants should send cover letter, CV and a list of at least 3 professional references to [hidden email].