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Open position : Bioimage Informatics Team Leader, located in the MPI-CBG , Dresden, Germany

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Jan Peychl Jan Peychl
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Open position : Bioimage Informatics Team Leader, located in the MPI-CBG , Dresden, Germany

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Dear friends of microscopy and image analysis,

MPI-CBG in Dresden, Germany  is looking to revive its image processing
facility and has requested additional services from its IT provider,
Scionics Computer Innovation.  Scionics have posted a position for a
Bioimage Informatics Team Leader who would be working closely with the

This is a great opportunity for a motivated, creative individual to
build up something exceptional in an environment that combines
excellence in biology and computer science and has a track record of
supporting interdisciplinary collaboration.

If you are interested please check out this job advert :


and APPLY or pass it to people who might be interested in such an
opportunity. Should you have any informal requests, please feel free
to contact me directly using my email : [hidden email] .

Thank you very much for your help.

Kind regards


Jan Peychl, M.D., Ph.D.
Light Microscopy Facility
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Pfotenhauerstrasse 108
01307 Dresden

Tel.: +49 351  210 2502
Fax:  +49 351  210 2000
web:  www.mpi-cbg.de