Open position: R&D Scientist (with strengths in microscope hardware interfacing) at the Advanced Microscopy Unit of the CSF in Vienna, Austria

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Elsayad,Kareem Elsayad,Kareem
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Open position: R&D Scientist (with strengths in microscope hardware interfacing) at the Advanced Microscopy Unit of the CSF in Vienna, Austria

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We'd like to bring to your attention an open position at our facility. Feel free to pass this on to anyone who you think may be interested/suitable..

Kareem Elsayad
Advanced Microscopy,
Campus Science Support Facilities (CSF),
Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3, Vienna 1030, Austria

R&D Scientist
Advanced Microscopy Unit, Campus Science Support Facilities (CSF),
Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3,  Vienna 1030, Austria

The Campus Science Support Facility (CSF) is a non-profit organization providing scientific infrastructure, that is operated, maintained, by highly qualified experts. We are situated at the Vienna Biocenter Campus (VBC), which is one of Europes's leading multi-disciplinary biomedical research centers. The recently established Advanced Microscopy Unit has been created with goal of purchasing high-end and developing novel optical microscopy/imaging platforms for biomedical research purposes at the VBC.

Brief description of the position:
You will work as part of a team of optical physicists and engineers designing and developing novel microscopy/imaging platforms for diverse applications in the life sciences and biomedical sciences. A small amount of time will be devoted to teaching students/users how to use both currently available and the to be developed microscopes at our facility. The position is initially for 1 year, following which it will be extended to a permanent contract subject to satisfactory progress.

Required qualifications:
PhD or Masters in Physics, Computer Science, Electrical/Computer Engineering, or a related field

Key Skills:
-Strong mathematics + physics + computation background
-Solid understanding of classical optics, laser physics, principles of fluorescence microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy.
-Extensive experience in hardware interfacing and control (Labview & Matlab)
-Experience with analysis/processing of images and large data sets.
-Good communication skills
- Excellent English spoken and written proficiency
- German spoken & written proficiency a plus but not essential

Starting salary:
Bruto 3412 EUR/month (=standard Austrian postdoctoral researcher salary).

Please send applications by email to [hidden email] in a single zipped folder with your name as the title. Your application should contain pdf’s of a brief cover letter, your CV, a list of 2-3 references, and a copy of what you consider to be your two best publications/conference-papers if relevant. In your CV please rank your competency in all relevant technical areas (including individual software/programming languages) as either: basic, intermediate or advanced. For any further questions regarding the position you may contact Dr. Kareem Elsayad at  [hidden email]. For more information also see: Review of applications will be on a running basis until the position is filled.