Open position for an image processing specialist at the BIOTEC, TU Dresden, Germany

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Markus Burkhardt Markus Burkhardt
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Open position for an image processing specialist at the BIOTEC, TU Dresden, Germany

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Dear friends of imaging,

the Biotechnology Center of the Dresden University of Technology is looking
for an image processing specialist to join the light microscopy facility
team, starting in fall 2011. For details see:

In case of any questions, please feel free to contact us:
[hidden email]
and pass on the advert to anyone who you think might be interested.

Best regards,
Light microscopy facility team,
on behalf of Prof. Dr. Michael Brand


Full text of advert follows:

The Biotechnology Centre (BIOTEC, is a unique
interdisciplinary centre focussing on research and teaching in molecular
bioengineering. The technology platform of the BIOTEC is a central tool for
implementing efficient technology transfer into current research projects.
Within the platform a new service on advanced microscopy related image
processing will be established. The position will be related to the light
microscopy facility that offers an inspiring interdisciplinary working
Available  from 04.10.2011 - 30.09.2014, we are looking for a
member of academic staff (E 13 TV-L)
The position is subject to approval of the third-party funds. The period of
employment is governed by the Fixed Term Research Contracts Act
(Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz - WissZeitVG).
Tasks: service oriented assistance in the microscopy facility of the BIOTEC
technology platform; support of facility users in standard and complex image
analysis e.g. quantification and colocalisation tasks; development of user-
and project specific software tools as plugins in already available software
solutions; teaching of basic image processing concepts in student courses;
teaching of advanced methods for high end users; collaboration with the
other Imaging Facilities in Dresden and beyond.
Requirements: master or diploma degree in computational science,
computational biology or related subjects; at least 3 years of working
experience preferably in a service oriented environment; good knowledge of a
high-level programming language, preferably C/C++ or Java; good knowledge in
Matlab programming; Statistical background; experience with image processing
tools and toolboxes, e.g.: ImageJ, Fiji, Matlab, CellProfiler, Imaris,
Huygens, Volocity; experience in writing image processing scripts, macros
and plugins; ability to work in a team; good communication skills in English
language; experience in one or more of the following fields would be
advantageous: biological imaging, pattern matching, machine learning, image
or signal processing and computer graphics.
For further information about the institute, see
Applications from women are particularly welcome. The same applies to
disabled people.
Applications should contain a CV, publication list, list of three contacts
for references and should be sent by August 16, 2011 (stamped arrival date)
to the following address: TU Dresden, BIOTEC, Katrin Grosser, Tatzberg
47/49, 01307 Dresden, Germany or to email:
[hidden email] (Please note: We are currently not able
to receive electronically signed and encrypted data).