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***message from vendor***
Dear Confocal List members,
The Image Cytometry Standard (ICS,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_Cytometry_Standard) is an open
source microscopy file format which has been around since 1990. Today,
it remains to be one of the preferred formats for saving and reading
microscopy image data because of its openness and the inclusion of many
different microscopy parameters including those for widefield, confocal,
spinning disk, multi-photon, STED, Light Sheet, and now array detector
After many years in which ICS was maintained by Chris Luengo (his
personal blog can be found here:
http://www.crisluengo.net/), we
(Scientific Volume Imaging -
https://www.svi.nl) took over this task
from him. Currently, the sources of the ICS library, libics, are
released under the Gnu Lesser General Public License (GLPL). They can be
found on GitHub:
https://github.com/svi-opensource/libics/. ICS is also
supported by Bioformats:
https://docs.openmicroscopy.org/bio-formats/6.1.0/supported-formats.htmlWith this email, we like to inform the microscopy community about the
release of libics version 1.6.3.
Highlights of ICS 1.6.3:
- Add support for storing the parameters of array detector microscopes.
- Support for 64 bit integer images.
- C++ interface.
- Improved backward compatibility.
- Various bug fixes.
We hope we have informed you completely on this topic and will continue
to do so in the future.
With kind regards,
Vincent Schoonderwoert
Vincent Schoonderwoert, PhD
Director Public Relations & Science
Scientific Volume Imaging
+31 35 642 1626