Opening for Imaging Core Facility Manager in Washington DC

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Jyoti Jaiswal Jyoti Jaiswal
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Opening for Imaging Core Facility Manager in Washington DC

The Cellular Imaging Core at Children's National Medical Center invites
application for an imaging core manager. The appropriate candidate (Staff
Scientist II) will work with the users and the director of the cellular
imaging core to maintain proper operation and use of the core's instruments
and assist in its growth. The Cellular Imaging Core covers two physical
locations, the main campus at CNMC and Microscopy and Image Analysis
facility at George Washington University Medical School. It is comprised by
Zeiss multiphoton and confocal platforms, wide-field fluorescence
microscopes, a TIRF and Spinning Disk confocal microscope,
Laser-capture/microdissection microscopes (Leica) and a JOEL XXX electron
microscope. The manager will be responsible for all routine aspects of
running the imaging core including consulting with users at CNMC and
facilitating optimal use of instruments to help meet the research goals of
the users. This will involve upkeep of the instruments, managing online
equipment schedules, performing calibration and repair of instruments and
coordinating this with the suppliers; identifying user needs and
communicating changes to them; help in troubleshooting and resolving user
errors; inventorying and maintaining supplies and parts as needed.
The preferred candidate would have extensive experience in use and operation
of fluorescence imaging approaches such as widefield, confocal, multiphoton
and spinning disc microscopy. Working knowledge of live cell and tissue
imaging, FRET, FRAP, photoactivation, image deconvolution and other
fluorescence-based techniques as well as experience with image acquisition
analysis and computing software (Zeiss LSM, Slidebook, Image J, Volocity,
Metamorph, MatLab  etc.) is desired.  The individual must demonstrate the
ability to work and communicate effectively with others.  Subject to
fulfillment of the key responsibilities, candidate's interest in developing
collaborative scientific efforts with researchers will be considered. A
competitive remuneration commensurate with the individual’s experience and
expertise will be provided.
Key responsibilities:
•Manage and maintain all the core equipment.
•Maintain instrument scheduling calendars, provide user support, and
coordinate repairs.
•Consult potential users on instrument capabilities and train new users
(PIs, visiting researchers, post docs, graduate and undergraduate students)
on instrumentation.
•Perform equipment inventories and maintain areas where the equipment is
•Monitor future needs of the users and maintain records of current usage,
maintenance and supplies

Education and Experience:
Applicant must have a Masters or PhD in a field of biomedical science with a
strong knowledge of biology, chemistry and anatomy and demonstrate at least
three years experience (five years in case of Masters) in use or operation
of confocal/multiphoton microscopy in a multiuser environment. Computer
skills including working with various image acquisition and analysis
software and working in Windows and Mac environment is highly desirable.

Apply online at -