Oslo -Norway. Four day workshop on Biological Optical Microscopy from 7th to 10th of May 2019.

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Oslo -Norway. Four day workshop on Biological Optical Microscopy from 7th to 10th of May 2019.

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The NorMic Oslo Imaging Platform (an Eurobioimaging node)  is organizing a four day workshop on Biological Optical Microscopy from 7th (Tuesday) to 10th(Friday) May 2019.
The aim of the workshop is to teach both theoretical and practical aspects of current optical microscopy techniques for life science researchers.
The workshop consists of both theory lectures(morning) and practical sessions(afternoon). The successful applicants (25 seats) will be divided into 5 different groups, each group will choose or will be assigned a mini-imaging-project to work on, so that the recently-acquired-knowledge can be practised and refined. There will be an oral presentation session on the mini-project at the end of the workshop.
The preliminary list of hands-on microscopy systems includes: Andor Dragonfly, Zeiss LSM880, Confocal.nl RCM, NIkon SMZ25, Aurox, Rescan Spinning Disk, GE OMX, diSPIM.
Location: University of Oslo, Blindern and Radium Hospital, Oslo
Workshop Dates: 7-10  May 2019
Topics to be Covered:Widefield contrast techniques, Point scanning/Spinning disk confocal, Superesolution microscopy(SIM,SMLM,Rescan confocal,STED), SPIM, F-tecniques(FRET/FRAP/FLIM), Non-linear microscopy, CLEM principle, Detector basics Fluorescence&dyes, Sample preparation, Basic image processing, and Aberrations&artifacts.
Confirmed Faculty: Rainer Heitzmann, Felix Margadant, Ping Ching Cheng, Jens Wohlmann, Hesso Farhan,  Kay Schink, Jonas Øgaard, Yufeng Hou, Marcin Barszczewski, Frode Skjeldal, Linda Haugen, Xian Hu(Edna), Oddmund Bakke
Registration Fee: 3500 NOK (Lunch and Tea Break included)
How to Apply:
If you are interested in joining the workshop, please apply by filling in the following form: https://skjema.uio.no/111334
(You will need to write a short abstract of current work/project no longer than 300 words).
Application Closing date: 15 March 2019
Qualified applicants will receive a confirmation by early April 2019.
If you have any inquiries regarding the workshop, please contact Edna([hidden email])
Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Edna,Xian Hu, Frode Skjeldal, Linda Haugen and Oddmund Bakke
Main financial support from Senter for Digitalt Liv Norge (https://www.digitallifenorway.org/dlnrs/courses)