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Hello everyone,
We have an older CoolSnap HQ digital b/w camera from
Photometrics (Roper Scientific) that we recently brought out of storage, which
we would like to bring back into use. Problem is, we seem to have
misplaced the computer that this camera/microscope was connected to, and
therefore we are missing the PCI interface card (PCI LVDS 3.3V Interface Card)
to connect the camera to a computer. A replacement card from Photometrics
is a bit expensive for our budget. Would anyone out there happen to have
a spare card not in use they would be willing to part with? Any ideas for
a cheaper solution or source for this part would also be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any ideas!
Chet Closson
Lab Manager
Live Microscopy Core
Department of Molecular & Cellular Physiology
University of Cincinnati
Phone: 513.558.3791