PDRA position optical nanopore sequencing

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Mark Wallace Mark Wallace
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PDRA position optical nanopore sequencing

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Dear Colleagues,

I would be grateful if you could pass on the details of a new PDRA position in my lab to potential candidates.

A postdoctoral researcher is sought for a BBSRC funded project to develop a range of new single-molecule optical tools for nanopore sequencing and sensing in collaboration with Oxford Nanopore Technologies. This post will build on our recent work using optical Single Channel Recording (Huang Nat. Nano. 2015) and interferometric imaging of lipid nanodomains (de Wit PNAS 2015) to improve the sensitivity and speed of optical-based nanopore sensing.


Kind regards

Mark Wallace

Professor Mark Wallace
Department of Chemistry
King's College London
Britannia House
7 Trinity Street
London, SE1 1DB
+44 207 848 5772