Pacific NW MIcroscopySymposium Registration deadline extended

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Doug Keene Doug Keene
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Pacific NW MIcroscopySymposium Registration deadline extended

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Fellow Microscopists:

The registration deadline to join the Pacific NW Microscopy Symposium has been extended to 5PM October 27th.  This is a two-day symposium to be held November 3rd and 4th in Portland, Oregon.  Registration for the Symposium is included with a one-year membership in the Pacific NW Microscopy Society ($25 for professionals; $15 for students) and includes the symposia, workshops, reception and dinner, a farewell wine and cheese social, and all meals during the meeting.  The program is absolutely superb.  Please go to the PacificNWMicroscopy Website to view the Program and register for the event.

Here is the link:

We will look forward to seeing you in Portland!


Douglas R. Keene
Assistant Investigator
Micro-Imaging Center
Shriners Hospital for Children
3101 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, Oregon  97239
Office:  503-221-3434
Mobile:  503-819-3600