Pacific NW Microscopy Workshop Nov. 9

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Doug Keene Doug Keene
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Pacific NW Microscopy Workshop Nov. 9

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Dear Microscopists,

Please join the Pacific Northwest Microscopy Society for a one-day workshop in Portland on November 9, 2017.  Dr. Shigeki Watanabe (Johns Hopkins) will deliver a 10AM lecture and lead an afternoon workshop at the OHSU Multiscale Microscopy Core focused on High Pressure Freezing (attendees may bring their own samples).  Also featured is a Hitachi TM4000 SEM (bring your samples!) and demonstration of a Zeiss Light Sheet microscope.  Registration, Dr. Watanabe's abstract, instructions for specimen preparation and details of the workshop may be found at
We hope to see you in Portland!

Douglas R. Keene
President, PNMS
Micro-Imaging Center
Shriners Hospital for Children
3101 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, Oregon  97239
Office:  503-221-3434