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***PhD Studentships Available!***
******Closing Date February 26t 2017*****
We have a number of PhD studentships available at The Edinburgh Super-Resolution Imaging Consortium (ESRIC). The projects offered are interdisciplinary with super-resolution microscopy as the underlying theme.
ESRIC aims to apply advanced microscopy techniques to investigate cellular function and human disease with state-of-the-art systems alongside a broad range of expertise across the scientific spectrum. This is an exciting opportunity to work at the cutting edge of biological imaging at the molecular scale with access to the latest technology.
Each student is enrolled in the ESRIC Super-Resolution Summer School, which allows them to build on what they have learnt in their first year and be able to take this forward into their PhD project. The ESRIC students are involved in SUPA and Edinburgh Imaging to further develop their skills across disciplines, as well as the Annual ESRIC Imaging Day.
To find out how to apply please visit
https://www.findaphd.com/search/phd.aspx?Keywords=ESRIC <
To find out more about the consortium please visit
http://www.esric.org <
Dr. Alison Dun
Technology and Facility Manager
Edinburgh Super Resolution Imaging Consortium (ESRIC)
Heriot-Watt University
EH14 4AS
Deliveries: ℅ Mary Pratt, EPS Stores
Office: 1st floor William Perkin Annexe
Lab: 3.17 William Perkin Building
Lab Phone: 0131 451 4748
Mobile: +44 7977 518 581
Alternative email:
[hidden email]
http://www.esric.org <
https://twitter.com/intent/follow?original_referer=https://about.twitter.com/resources/buttons&screen_name=ESRIC_Imaging&tw_p=followbutton>Follow us on Twitter <
https://twitter.com/intent/follow?original_referer=https://about.twitter.com/resources/buttons&screen_name=ESRIC_Imaging&tw_p=followbutton> @ESRIC_Imaging
Register interest for our 2017 Super-Resolution Summer School @RMS <