PhD fellowships at the University of Valencia

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Manolo Martinez Manolo Martinez
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PhD fellowships at the University of Valencia

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We have just opened the calls of two PhD fellowships, funded by Marie Curie ITN action

The project titles are:

* Plenoptic Microscopy and pure-phase object sensing

* Visualization techniques based on integral imaging

For more precise information visit click the links: <> <>

University of Valencia is ranked among the World Top 100 Universities
in Physics 
Professor of Optics
Fellow of SPIE
3D Imaging & Display Laboratory
Department of Optics. University of Valencia
Calle Doctor Moliner 50, E46100 Burjassot, Spain
Phone: +34 96354 4718    Fax: +34 96354 4715
Skype: martinem62
University of Valencia is ranked as the 189th University in
the World for its Academic Performance