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PhD success!

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John Oreopoulos John Oreopoulos
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PhD success!

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Dear list server, just one week ago I successfully defended my PhD thesis and I wanted to thank everyone for all the times I learned something useful from the many interesting microscopy related conversations over the last five years.

I've taken up what's known here in Canada as an industrial post-doctoral fellowship with Spectral Applied Research in Toronto and spent my first week on the job at the Neuroscience meeting in San Diego. It was nice to meet some familiar names in person.

My new relationship with Spectral requires that I modify what and how I contribute to the list server from this point forward. I'd like to keep participating and learning with the hopes of advancing and helping others with confocal microscopy, and Spectral has encouraged me to do so. However, given Spectral's commercial interests in many topics other contributors may have other thoughts. Any guidance with regards to future participation would be appreciated.

At the very least, I intend to put my affiliation in each posting and indicate there maybe a potential commercial interest. In addition, my posts will indicate that the opinions are of a personal nature and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Spectral Applied Research, and I'll try to stay away from those posts that directly deal with other vendor's products.

Anyways thanks again for all the help and advice over the years. Hope to put some more faces to names at other future conferences.

John Oreopoulos
Research Assistant
Spectral Applied Research
9078 Leslie Street, Unit 11
Richmond Hill
Ontario, Canada