Philadelphia Society for Microscopy Sypmposium

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Gary Laevsky Gary Laevsky
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Philadelphia Society for Microscopy Sypmposium

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Joint PSM / Drexel Bossone Research Center
Symposium on Advances in Microscopy

Wednesday, March 29

Please see the Events Registration page at
to register for the Symposium.

The Philadelphia Society for Microscopy will hold a joint all-day symposium
on microscopy with the Drexel University Bossone Research Center in
Philadelphia on March 29, 2017.  Six talks will be presented on
applications of microscopy in both physical and biological subjects.  The
keynote talks will be given by Jay Jerome of Vanderbilt University and Eric
Wieschaus of Princeton University (1995 Nobel Prize in Physiology and
Medicine).  Jay Jerome will speak on “A Microscopist’s View of
Atherosclerosis and Cellular Cholesterol Metabolism”.  Eric Wieschaus will
speak on “Light Sheet Imaging of Global Tissue Flows in Living Drosophila
Embryos”. The entire program is available on

On-site Registration and check-in will begin at 8:00 am with the talks
beginning at 8:40 am. Representatives of many microscopy related
manufacturers will be on-hand to discuss latest developments in microscopes
and accessories.

The registration fee is $25.  This fee also includes PSM membership for

We will have a light breakfast and refreshments at breaks in the morning
and afternoon.  We will also have a box lunch available (more details will
be supplied after registration). To get the box lunch you must register
before Thursday, March 23rd.  We will continue online registration until
the day before the symposium.  You can also register and pay at the
symposium (but with no lunch).

Full time students can register for the reduced cost of $5.00.  We have
space for approximately 25 student posters.  Students who present posters
can attend the symposium at no cost.  Please feel free to contact us using
the Contact page ( with further questions
about posters.

The Bossone Engineering center is located at 3126 Market Street in
Philadelphia.  It is close to the Amtrak 30th Street Station.  Parking is
available in the area (for a fee).  More information is available athttp://


Gary Laevsky, Ph.D.
Director, Confocal Imaging Facility
Nikon Center of Excellence
Dept. of Molecular Biology
Washington Rd.
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey, 08544-1014
(O) 609 258 5432
(C) 508 507 1310