Position available: Biochemistry Microscopy Facility Manager - University of Oxford

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Nadia Halidi Nadia Halidi
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Position available: Biochemistry Microscopy Facility Manager - University of Oxford

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Dear All,

The Department of Biochemistry at the University of Oxford has an open
imaging facility manager position. Please could you pass this on to any
interested candidates? Thank you!

Best regards,

The Biochemistry Microscopy Facility (a member of the Micron Oxford
Advanced Bioimaging Network) is recruiting a new highly skilled and
experienced microscopy facility manager. For details see
Closing date: 18 December 2020. 12:00. Availability as soon as possible.

Dr. Nadia Halidi | Imaging Facility Manager | Micron Advanced Bioimaging
Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford,
Tel: +44 (0)1865 613 331 | e-mail: [hidden email] |