Position available: EM facility leader, MPI-CBG, Dresden, Germany

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Jan Peychl Jan Peychl
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Position available: EM facility leader, MPI-CBG, Dresden, Germany

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Dear all,

MPI-CBG in Dresden, Germany, is searching for EM facility leader.  I
would like to ask you to forward
this advert (please  see link and more details  below)   to all people
who might be interested.


Thank you very much for your help


Dr. Jan Peychl
Light Microscopy Facility
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Pfotenhauerstrasse 108
01307 Dresden

Tel.: +49 351  210 2502
Fax:  +49 351  210 2000
web:  www.mpi-cbg.de


The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
(MPI-CBG) plans to appoint an*:*

* *

*EM Facility Leader*


The preferred candidate is an electron microscopist with at least 5
years EM experience and expert in basic morphology after chemical
fixation and embedding in epon, immuno-EM, as well as having familiarity
with more advanced techniques such as cryo-EM and high pressure
freezing. Some background in one or more of the model systems
(Drosophila, C. elegans, zebra fish, mammalian culture cells, mice)
employed at the MPI-CBG would be an advantage. Since the position is to
head a facility, the ability to conduct multiple projects in parallel is
essential. The EM Facility is equipped with three basic 100-120kV
microscopes including a Philips EM400T, Morgagni, and a Tecnai 12
Biotwin. In addition, the MPI-CBG established a tomography unit with a
Tecnai F30 microscope and dedicated operator. All microscopes are fitted
with digital imaging systems.


The facility is equipped with state of the art preparation equipment
including Leica ultramicrotomes for resin and cryo sectioning. Both a
Leica Impact 2 High Pressure Freezer and a Baltec freezing  unit are
available in the facility. Furthermore, the facility has recently
purchased a Bio-wave microwave unit and is keen to establish improved
specimen preparation methods with the instrument.


The facility leader will be supported by up to 3 assistants to help meet
the requirements of supporting the research needs of the 25 research
groups at the MPI-CBG. Further information on the research environment
at MPI-CBG Dresden can be found at our website www.mpi-cbg.de.


The position is initially for 2 years and will be compensated according
to the TVÖD scale. The Max Planck Society is committed to employ more
disabled persons. The application of disabled persons is strongly
encouraged. The Max Planck Society is committed to increase the number
of female scientists. Women are particularly encouraged to apply.


For further information contact Dr. Ivan C. Baines by email
([hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>). Please send your CV and
the names of three referees before 12^th September 2008 to:


Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG)

Code: EM Facility Leader

Pfotenhauerstr. 108,

D-01307 Dresden, Germany