Position available- Laboratory analyst/technician AFM and confocal microscopy

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Humberto Ibarra Humberto Ibarra
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Position available- Laboratory analyst/technician AFM and confocal microscopy

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Dearall,  TheMicroscopy Core at Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá/Colombia has thefollowing position available: JobTitle: Laboratory analyst/technician (AFM and Confocal microscopy) Jobdescription: -         Operation and maintenance of the atomic force microscope and confocallaser scanning microscope with their accessories, alignment, controlmeasurements, communication with technical service.-         Providing help and support to users during acquisition and processing ofimage data. Qualificationexpected: -         Bachelor’s degree in science (Physics, chemistry, biology, microbiology)or engineering (electronics, electrical, mechanical, chemical or similar).-         Master’s degree in Life Sciences or Engineering is desirable but notrequired.-         Experience working with Atomic force microscopy (Experience with Asylumresearch systems preferable).-         Basic knowledge of optical microscopy, especially advanced opticalmicroscopic techniques (laser scanning confocal microscopy) is desirable butnot required (appropriate training will be provided). Thesuccessful candidate is expected to have: -         Service oriented attitude.-         Ability to work independently and learn permanently.  -         Responsibility.  -         Flexibility and strong communication skills for effective collaborationwith research teams and users.     Interestedapplicants should send their CV as soon as possible (preferably before Jan26th, 2017) via e-mail  to: Humberto Ibarra-AvilaHead of Mcroscopy Core e-mail: [hidden email] Please feel free to pass thisadvert to those who might be interested.  Best regards, HumbertoIbarra-AvilaHeadof microsocpy coreVicerrectoría de InvestigacionesUniversidad de los Andes
Carrera 1 # 18A-10 Bogotá, D.C
Edificio B, Lab-101
57-1-3394949 Ext. 1444
http://investigaciones.uniandes.edu.co  "Good, better, best, never let it rest, 'til your good is better and your better is best!"