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Karpova, Tatiana (NIH/NCI) [E] Karpova, Tatiana (NIH/NCI) [E]
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Position available

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The Optical Imaging Core (NIH-NCI, Laboratory of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression) is looking for a motivated and skilled microscopist with direct experience in a number of quantitative applications. A background in biophysics is preferred. It is expected that the individual will provide expert advice and support to Core customers on data collection, data analysis and data interpretation procedures, including but not limited to quantitative analysis of FRAP, FCS, TICS, Single molecule tracking which have already been developed in the Core. This support may include further development, training and hands-on help for sophisticated imaging and data analysis procedures. We also expect that this individual could write custom Matlab scripts for specific quantitative applications.  This individual would also play an important role in future technological developments in the Core, including Number and Brightness analysis, Single Molecule FISH quantification and high-resolution statistical mapping of super-resolution images. This individual will also be involved in maintenance and further development of the custom-built Single Molecule Tracking/Super-resolution instrument.
                For additional info on the core please see https://confocal.cancer.gov. A short list of methods applied in the Core is covered by the following publications:
                1. Deconvolution: McNally, J.G., Karpova, T., Cooper, J. and Conchello, J.A. (1999) Three-dimensional imaging by deconvolution microscopy. Methods. 19: 373-385.
                2. FRET: Karpova, T.S. and McNally, J.G. Detecting protein-protein interactions with CFP-YFP FRET by acceptor photobleaching. Curr. Prot. Cytom ; Chapter 12: Unit 2.7 (12.7.1-12.7.11), 2006
                3. FCS, TICS methods: Mazza D, Stasevich TJ, Karpova TS, McNally JG. Monitoring dynamic binding of chromatin proteins in vivo by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and temporal image correlation spectroscopy Methods Mol Biol. 833:177-200, 2012
                4. FRAP methods: Mueller F, Karpova TS, Mazza D., McNally JG. Monitoring dynamic binding of chromatin proteins in vivo by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Methods Mol Biol. 833:153-176, 2012
                Applicants should contact Dr. Tatiana Karpova, Manager of the Core ([hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>) and submit their CV.

Tatiana S. Karpova, Ph.D
Manager of the NCI/LRBGE Optical Microscopy Core
NCI-NIH, LRBGE, Bldg 41, Rm C615
41 Medlars Drive
Bethesda, MD, 20892
Tel. 301-435-4611
Fax. 301-496-4951
[hidden email]