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Dear colleagues,
The Gulbenkian Institute is seeking for a highly motivated postdoc to work with several research groups on applications for molecular imaging (self assembled STORM/PALM and picoquant time resolved 2-photon FCS). Selected candidate will be integrated in a multi-disciplinary team and will have the opportunity to work with state of the art microscopy hardware and data analysis resources.
We offer a fantastic environment and the possibility to work with several different biological question (check www.igc.pt for institute and uic.igc.pt for the imaging unit website). Duration can go up to 2 years but further funding might be available.
We will take into account:
.Hands-On experience in Optical Microscopy
.Scientific programming (e.g. Python, C++, Matlab or Java)
.Strong understanding of fluorescence processes
.A true commitment to learn, explore, innovate & develop new skills
.A strong wish to share and synergize your expertise with all members of the imaging facility
This position is available as part of the project RECI/BEX-BCM/0083/2012 funded by the portuguese government, with a salary equivalent to postdoc level (1495 euros/month). For portuguese comparative price index please check.
http://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?QueryId=24057(eg, price level compared with CH is 54% , DE 82% and ES 89%)
Enquiries, motivation letter, CV and names of up to three referees should be addressed to
[hidden email] till the end of october 2014.
Official announcement can be found here
http://www.igc.gulbenkian.pt/mediaRep/igc/files/uploads/recruitment/morenoFCT18092014.pdfKind regards,
Nuno Moreno, PhD
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência