Position for Senior Microscopist - Closing Sunday 10th (Australia)

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j.springfield j.springfield
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Position for Senior Microscopist - Closing Sunday 10th (Australia)

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Dear All Listers,

Could you please let anyone suitable know about this great opportunity for a full time permanent position as a senior microscopist in our microscopy core facility at Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland, Australia.
Applications close in 2 days,



Dr James Springfield
Microscopy Facility Manager
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Level 6 North | 306 Carmody Road (Building 80) | The University of Queensland | Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia
T +61 7 3346 2390 | M +61 423 021 445 | F +61 7 3346 2101 | E [hidden email]
Twitter @IMBmicroscopy