Post-Doc Position Vienna

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Josef Gotzmann Josef Gotzmann
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Post-Doc Position Vienna

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Dear List,

We are seeking an imaging specialist to fill a vacant post-doc position at
the Max F. Perutz Laboratories in Vienna (Austria):

Postdoc position
Quantitative analysis of axonal microtubule dynamics Max F. Perutz
Laboratories, University of Vienna, Department of Biochemistry and Cell
Biology, Vienna, Austria

Our laboratory has a longstanding interest in the role of microtubules in
axon guidance and regeneration. Currently we aim to quantify parameters of
microtubule dynamics under various conditions of axon extension, axon
retraction and axon guidance. We use primary dorsal root ganglion neurons
from genetically modified mice that lack a microtubule-associated protein
and are transgenic for fluorescently labeled EB3. Live cell imaging is to be
carried out using spinning disc technology. Primary neuronal culture and
other cell biological, molecular and biochemical techniques are established
in the lab.
We seek a scientist at the postdoctoral level with a documented background
in live cell imaging and quantitative image analysis. We offer the postdoc
salary as defined by the FWF Austrian Science fund. The project is funded
for 1 year with the potential to be extended for a second year. The position
is open from July 2014.

Lab website:
Max F. Pertutz Laboratories website:
For applications or inquiries, please contact Friedrich Propst:
[hidden email]