Post Doc position at UCL, London, UK

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Charras, Guillaume Charras, Guillaume
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Post Doc position at UCL, London, UK

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Dear Listers,

We are pleased to announce a call for applications for a BBSRC-funded postdoctoral researcher to study the role of dynamic actin protrusions in tissue patterning in Drosophila development. The project builds on previous work by members of the team (Cohen, Georgiou et al., Dev Cell, 2010, 19:78-89) and involves the use of Drosophila genetics, molecular biology, confocal microscopy, tissue culture and microfluidics. We expect the successful candidate to be an exceptional, highly motivated scientist who has a PhD degree in a relevant area of developmental cell biology. A strong background in molecular biology, Drosophila genetics, and confocal microscopy is desired. Additional experience in image analysis, programming, and microfabrication will be an advantage.

Work will be carried out both at the MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology ( and at the neighbouring London Centre for Nanotechnology (<>).

The position is available to start on May 1st for 3 years. The appointment will be on UCL Grade 7, with a salary range between £30,000 - £39,999 per annum depending on experience and inclusive of London Allowance.

Interested applicants should email a covering letter, CV and the names of two referees to Ione Karney ([hidden email]). Informal inquiries should be directed to Prof Buzz Baum ([hidden email]) and Dr Guillaume Charras ([hidden email]), who will be supervising the research.

For further details about the vacancy and how to apply on line please go to, select current UCL vacancies, and search on reference number 1241619. The closing date for this application is 19th of April 2012.

Best wishes,