Post doc position at DiasproLab - Genova, Italy

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Alberto Diaspro-2 Alberto Diaspro-2
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Post doc position at DiasproLab - Genova, Italy

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Research Position #diasprolab
Submission website

Postdoc Position on Multimodal Optical Microscopy with applications in Biophysics
- (2000003A)

Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - IIT ( invites qualified level applicants for a Postdoc position at the Nanoscopy&NIC@IIT Research Line lead by Prof. Alberto Diaspro.
We are looking for a skillful and motivated young scientist with a background in biology, biophysics or closely related discipline with previous experience in fluorescence labeling and imaging. The candidate should ideally have documented expertise in optical microscopy including illumination sources, image processing, detection, fluorescence and other mechanisms of contrast fluorescence labeling.
Previous experience in confocal laser scanning microscopy, two-photon excitation and STED (stimulated emission depletion microscopy) will be considered a plus. Ability to work as part of a team is fundamental.
The project is related to a multimodal approach in optical microscopy to investigate biological cells providing information at molecular resolution about chromatin organization and functional consequences. To this end, the selected candidate will work on optical modules implementing a variety of mechanism of contrast (fluorescence parameters, phase information, polarization based information to be processed within a machine learning contest). The project will be carried out within the multidisciplinary environment available in IIT with specific interest for collaborations in biology, nanoscopy and artificial intelligence.
Salary will be commensurate to qualifications and experience and in line with international standards.
Please submit your application (detailed cover letter, cv and names and contacts of 2 referees) using the online form (deadline is October 28th, 2020).

Reference review paper:

Alberto Diaspro
Dipartimento di Fisica, UNIGE
Dipartimento di Nanofisica, IIT