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Sent on Behalf of Dr Toni S Shippenberg, Ph.D.
Toni S Shippenberg, Ph.D.
Integrative Neuroscience Branch, NIDA IRP
If you are interested in this position, please write to:
[hidden email]
Post-doctoral Position:
Pain and Addiction Research
NIH/NIDA Intramural Research Program
The Integrative Neuroscience Branch (Chief, T.S. Shippenberg), NIH/National
Institute on Drug Abuse, Intramural Research Program (Baltimore, Maryland,
USA) is seeking a post-doctoral fellow to conduct studies examining the CNS
intersections of addiction and chronic pain. The individual will be part of a
team examining neuroadaptations that underlie alterations in cognitive function
and affect that occur in response to neuropathic pain and opiate addiction.
The individual should have experience in immunohistochemistry and interest in
the use of in-vivo fiber optic technology for quantifying neuronal activity in
the awake rodent. Some experience in electrophysiology and/or fluorescence
confocal microscopy is advantageous but not essential.
The position is funded for 3 years with renewal possible.
The position is available as of September, 2011.
Please contact:
Toni S Shippenberg, Ph.D.
Integrative Neuroscience Branch
[hidden email]