Post doctoral fellowship for correlative microscopy in Gent

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Chris Guerin Chris Guerin
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Post doctoral fellowship for correlative microscopy in Gent

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Hello everyone:

There is a 3 year post doctoral fellowship open in the new Center for Advanced Microscopy at the VIB (Flanders Institute for Biotechnology) in Gent Belgium. The position will help to develop 3D correlative light and electron microscopy using high resolution light microscopy and focused ion beam SEM. Please see the following link for details.

The VIB is a private non-profit research institute with >1200 employees from more than 60 countries affiliated with 4 Flemish universities: U. Gent, Free University. Of Brussels, KU Leuven and University of Antwerp, funded largely via the Flemish Government. We will begin a new 5 year funding cycle in 2012 with an increased budget and the institute is committed to becoming a European centre of excellence for  microscopy and imaging resources during the next cycle. The language of the institute is English and proficiency in spoken and written English is required.

We welcome Applications from individuals with doctoral degrees or those who will earn one before March 2012. Individuals with substantial experience in advanced fluorescence microscopy, Electron microscopy, or both will have an advantage. This is a great opportunity to develop a technique at the cutting edge of biological imaging and work in a new facility with a staff committed to excellence in microscopy.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Further information, applications or informal enquiries can be directed to the core leader, [hidden email].

best wishes from the beautiful city of Gent.

Chris Guerin