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Dear all,
I am looking for a post-doc that could support our research activities in
the field of multidimensional time resolved detection. We have completed the
construction of a new core imaging facility with two-photon, TCSPC,
spectral, polarization capabilities. We are seeking to integrate new
technologies in our system to push the boundaries of multidimensional imaging.
You can find the call at the following URL:
http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/hr/jobs/vacancies.cgi?job=8461Information on our institute can be find here:
http://www.hutchison-mrc.cam.ac.ukInformation on my own research at the following website:
http://www.quantitative-microscopy.orgPlease apply for the position as indicated in the call or contact me
personally for further information (
[hidden email]). The
funding is limited in time to start with, but we are already looking for
funding to extend this position.
Kind regards,
Dr Alessandro Esposito
Senior Investigator Scientist
MRC Cancer Cell Unit - Hutchison/MRC Research Centre
Hills Road, CB20XZ, Cambridge (UK)
+44(0)1223 331179 (office)
+44(0)1223 763241 (FAX)
+44(0)795 4383731 (mobile)
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